Writing a blog post is my daily activity. I want to shape the Process of writing my blog to make it flow and go fast. My boss used to say that "Process is everything. Try to make a process, stick with it, and then improve it day by day. You will save so much time because you know what you need to do step by step."
Here is my flow when writing a blog post:
1, Choose a topic within what I'm interested in, such as English, music, marketing, e-commerce, books, productivity, etc.
It depends on my plan or my mood each day. For instance, my goal for this month is to focus on English, so I use most of my time writing blogs about English or writing in English during this time. However, It can be flexible because sometimes I feel like I want to write about my experience of going to a concert, I allow myself to write something about music.
2, Choose what (specific things) I want to write about, related to this topic
For example, today's topic is English, so I'm going to write about how to build my English brain. Besides, I always remember that "I must have the knowledge and real experience for writing about." In the example above, I've been in the process of building my English brain, so I can write about it.
3, Write an outline.
In the past, I didn't outline my notes. I just wrote down all the thoughts running through my head randomly. Back then, It still worked, but my idea was a little bit messy when I looked back. Now, I always outline my blog posts. It is like a map to guide me in the journey of writing.
Example: Why do I love going to live concerts?
Introduction: I'm a massive fan of music. Live concerts give me so much energy; I will tell you why etc
Body paragraph #1: It's a social activity, we feel the rhythm with other fans, and it gives me a high energy
Body paragraph #2: The way to support a true artist
Body paragraph #3: The way to interact with artists and hear their stories through ears
Conclusion: Live performances are fantastic. Call to action.
A small note: It's a basic outline. If I write something complicated, I always list down some more explanations for each body paragraph alongside the main idea.
4, Write in detail.
After having an outline. I start writing in particular. It's so fast to write when having a system before. Here is my final post: Why do I love going to live concerts?
5, Check grammar and mistakes.
Use Grammarly to check grammar and spelling mistakes if I write in English. https://grammarly.com/.
6, Choose some photos to use in a blog post.
I usually use Upslash. This platform has free and high-quality images: https://unsplash.com/explore
7, Start pushing my blog post.
Sometimes, I share my post on social media to reach more people, but sometimes I don't. It depends on my mood.
To sum up, I have seven steps when writing a new blog post, and I apply this Process every day. Once again, I deeply know that the "process gives me a clear picture, and the process saves my time."